One of the most popular places to study abroad is the United States of America (USA). At the best
universities in the nation, more than a million foreign students are enrolled. For many years, the
United States has been a truly international location where individuals from various nations and ethnic
groups can visit and maintain their own cultures. Because of this, Americans have a diversified
society. Here is all you need to know about studying in the USA if you’re an ambitious international
student, including the benefits of studying there, the educational system, admission requirements,
application procedure, fees, financial aid, and visa requirements.
Why Study in the US
One of the most compelling arguments for studying in the USA is that the nation is a leader in terms
of educational quality. According to the QS rankings 2020, more than 150 American colleges are
listed among the best in the world. That by itself is proof that education works.
Education System in the USA
In the USA, there are four levels of education: elementary, middle, high school, and higher education.
Higher education has four levels of study, which is what the majority of students choose. Doctoral
degrees, professional and academic master’s degrees, associate degrees, and bachelor’s degrees. The
two-year Associate degrees are mostly career-focused. After completing these courses, the individuals
who choose them to begin looking for employment. The first two years of a bachelor’s degree may
also be substituted for an associate degree. Compared to an Associate’s degree, a bachelor’s degree is a
course that emphasizes academic study. These courses last 3 to 4 years, and are categorized into
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years. They may serve as stepping stones.
Admissions in the US
In the USA, fall and spring are the two primary intake seasons Most courses are offered during the
Fall Intake, which begins in August. International students prefer the Fall Intake in the United States.
Students who might have missed the autumn intake in the USA can choose to study in the winter
intake, albeit not all of the courses that are offered in the fall would be offered in the winter. The
spring (or winter) intake begins in January. There is also a Summer Intake (May), but there are
relatively few courses available.
Standardized Tests
Students who want to pursue a bachelor’s degree in the US must take the TOEFL or IELTS exam.
You should choose the SAT or ACT if you want to receive financial aid and attend one of the top 100
or 200 institutions in the US. You should also take the SAT Subject Tests and/or AP examinations if
you want to apply to the most competitive colleges, such as Ivy League schools and the top 25 to 50.
You must take the GRE or GMAT, as well as IELTS or TOEFL, to be eligible for graduate courses.